At Kenshin-Kaikan Dojo, led by the president Kazumasa Yokoyama Kancho, known as "Invisible Hands," students practice Okinawan Kobayashi-Ryu Karate and Kobudo under the master instructor who has recieved direct instruction from Kancho. Each student at Kenshin-Kaikan Dojo practices according to their individual goals. Our purpose is to devote ourselves to the practice of karate-do in order to hone our deeds, to improve our humanity(spirit), and to be well throughout our lives.
At our Dojo, we strive to practice and spread the Kobayashi-Ryu Karate, which Yokoyama Kancho learned in Okinawa, the birthplace of karate.
In recent years, our activities have spread throughout the world, including seminars in Europe.
After the passing of Yokoyama Kancho, the master Makoto Yaguchi Shihan, who inherited his will, became the representative of Kenshin-Kaikan and has been working hard for the development of Kenshin-Kaikan.
Master Yokoyama (2nd row center), kids and Black Belts from Holland.
Location: Tsuruse West Community Center (near Tsuruse train Station)
Day & Time: Weds Kids : 18:30~
Adults : 20:00~
visiters welcome to watch !
If you have any questions about joining or would like to observe a practice session, please contact us using the online form form on our website.